Texas Commercial
Electric buys exclusively from a select few generation
companies - our volume buying means lower prices to
you. They have the financial backing necessary to
ensure steady, reliable service for years to come.
They are a
"flat" organization. This means a lean and
efficient business that operates at less cost, which
translates into even lower prices to you. It also
means faster response time.
They are customer
focused. If they can't show you how to lower your
operating costs significantly, you have no incentive
to switch. So they look at your big picture and find
creative ways to help make all of your operations more
efficient and cost-effective.
They're there when
you need them. The first 90 days after switchover can
be a nightmare for new customers. They avoid this by
equipping you with a single point of contact at TCE
who will know your business and respond to your needs
quickly. They help you take care of changeover issues
with previous electric providers and ERCOT. They meet
personally with your staff to set up new billing
processes and ensure that their expectations are met.
This approach not only shortens the changeover
process. It takes the pain out of switching and
establishes a strong foundation for future relations.